Edition of December 20, 2021

Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

These Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy constitute a public agreement - a public offer agreement. All terms and conditions are the same for all users, regardless of status and legal form.

The Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy apply to access and use of the Website https://many.bio and/or all other products and services provided by Many.bio (hereinafter referred to as services, service, Website, https://many.bio, 'we', 'us', 'our').

By downloading, using the Website, browsing, submitting content, or using other access and/or using the service, the User (hereinafter referred to as “You”, “Your”) agrees to these Terms and the Policy below. If you do not wish to agree to all of these Terms and Policies set forth in this document, please stop using our service.

Minimum Age

The Services on the Website are available only to persons who have reached the age of majority in accordance with the laws of the country of which such person is a resident and/or citizen and is capable of entering into legally binding contracts in accordance with applicable law. The Services on the Website are not intended for use by minors. If you do not meet these requirements, please do not use the Services or access the Website.

Acceptance of Terms

Any further use of the Website and/or any part thereof means that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by all sections of the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy.

Changes to the Terms of Use

The terms of these Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy may be changed in the future. Each time we make changes, we will post the new version on this page and indicate the date of the new version.

Any changes to these Terms and the Policy will be effective immediately upon posting. Your continued use of the Service following the posting of changes constitutes your acceptance of those changes. If you do not wish to agree to any changes, please stop using our site immediately.

These Terms and Policies will also govern any updates or new versions of the Website that may replace and/or supplement the Website. If an update or new version is not accompanied by the Terms and Policies, these Terms and Policies shall govern.

Terms and Definitions

Services many.bio - refers to the various services provided by https://many.bio, which are based on Internet technologies and offered through the website https://many.bio, as well as other forms. Many.bio services include, among other things, components such as an online service for creating microlanding pages, micro websites, and an online store on the https://many.bio platform.

User - any individual or legal entity using the services on the Website https://many.bio.

Account - an account containing information that the User reported about themselves to the Administration in the process of registering on the Website https://many.bio or in the process of working in the account. The many.bio account serves as the basis for the User to exercise their rights in many.bio.

Login - a unique identifier of the User, which serves to designate and identify them on the Website https://many.bio.

Password - a set of characters that are used to confirm the identity of the User at the time of entering the account (authorization).

Administrator - Bootstrapped Ventures LLC, Shams Business Center, Sharjah, UAE